
How to Master a Virtual Career Fair and Land a Dream Job?

It’s the new year. And normally that sparks a full new set of new goals to cross off. While you may be ready to take on paying off your debt, you could also be looking for a new career. Or, you may be a student ready to touch your toes in the field your studying. And what better way to put yourself out there? You can build your winning resume, earn extra cash, and/or earn a raise from trying out a new opportunity.

First, you have to put yourself out there. Back in the day, you may have stressed about beating traffic to make it a career fair on time. Now, you may be weighing the pros and cons to getting fully dressed up for your video career fair. But don’t fret. We’ve got you covered — starting with what a virtual career fair is.

What is a Virtual Career Fair?

A virtual career fair is a networking event when employers are matched with interested candidates (but virtually). Instead of meeting each other in person, most are staying safe and meeting with employers online over video. And, you may be wondering how it works. How do you stand out in the crowd of others on the video chat? How do you properly prepare for the video chat and what do you do after?


Luckily, Mint’s created a list of tips and tricks to getting seen by those you want to work with. Keep reading to see how!

Tips for Preparing for Virtual Career Fair

We’ve listed out four tips for you and other ambitious career getters to land a job via a virtual career fair. From checking in on your wi-fi connection to following up with your connections and staying in touch. Keep reading for a more in-depth guide.

1. Double-Check Your Wi-Fi Set-Up

If your wi-fi goes out, so does your call. Avoid getting booted out of your video chat by checking your wi-fi before you log on. If possible, set everything up 30-minutes in advance and as a friend to test things out for you. You can work through any technical issues a while before the meeting so you don’t arrive flustered from situations gone wrong. Or, even worse, not being able to log on and miss the event.

2. Do Your Research Beforehand

Check LinkedIn, Google, and Glassdoor to dig up everything you can about the companies and employers that will be at this event. When you go to chat with employers one on one, you’ll be able to share the research you did and cut to the chase. Are they hiring and for what? Doing your research can help you distinguish which teams you’d best fit and build your career with. And, you could impress employers right out of the gate.

3. Stay Calm, Professional, and Always Listen Closely

During a virtual meeting, you and the employer may not be the only ones on the call. Stay calm and collected while waiting for employers to get to your questions. When you’re able to speak with those you’re interested in the most, ask in-depth questions and follow-up by asking for their contact information. This way you’ll be able to reach out post-meeting to vocalize your interests.

4. Stay In Contact With Your New Connections

After the meeting, reach out to a few employers you’d like to interview with. Whether you end up pursuing that career path, you will be able to build your career network for future opportunities. Later down the line, you may be able to more interested in following through with that career path.

For additional tips, check out our infographics below!

How to Master a Virtual Career Fair


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