During the warm days, it is difficult to stand the high temperatures. Humidity in addition to heat makes it more unbearable to survive. Keeping the temperature low or normal during summers is difficult, especially when you don’t have an AC or it is not in working condition but is neither impossible.
When summer heat sets inside your bedroom it becomes tough to sleep at night. Here we have gathered 5 interesting tips to beat the heat and keep your bedroom cool during summer days. Read on to find out:
- Light is the main source of heat energy. Keeping doors and windows closed during the day time will help you decrease the room temperature. Not only sunlight but tube lights and bulbs are also responsible in the release of heat, therefore it is advised to not keep the lights on unnecessarily.
- Avoid using synthetic sheets or clothes during summer instead, use cotton, it will help you avoid summer night sweats. This might sound childish but you can keep your cotton bed sheet in the deep freezer for some time to make it cool and then use it at night while sleeping.
- Do not use dark colours especially black during summer as it absorbs heat radiations and in turn will increase the temperature. Therefore use light colours like white bed sheets or covers.
- Installing an air conditioner is a good option but if you want to go pocket-friendly then using table fan is the best option to deal with the summer heat. They can be of tremendous help in keeping your home cool enough.
- Use of exhaust fan in the bathroom is important as it helps in pulling the heat out of the bathroom and home.
Keeping the table fan across the window will help in cross ventilation. This method helps in creating a better vacuum to pull warm and dusty air out. One of the most important benefits of table fan is they are portable and can be placed anywhere. These table fans consume less energy in comparison to the air conditioner and ceiling fan and also do not contribute to global warming.
Floor standing fan or pedestal fans are more powerful, good for larger spaces and offer more control over air direction with control over height. Also, these are high-volume and low-speed fans. These are functional while being equally efficient.
Keplin is a one-stop solution for all your day to day requirements. They also provide tower fan or floor storing fan at a very affordable price and aesthetic looks. These do not corrode when they come in contact with air and water.
Hope it has been an informative read on how to keep your bedroom cool in summer without AC.
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