To ensure the functionality of the work and those productivity standards are maintained while work from home, a plan must be established to be able to measure performance and materialize the actions carried out in this period of time. It is necessary to make sure which equipment the personnel will be required, so that they can have the necessary and adequate tools to flow regularly.
Now, once employees have the right equipment, who should ensure that productivity is maintained? The company. For this, a tactical work program must be implemented in order to give continuity to the operation in an agile and efficient way.
It is vital to maintain the functional operability of companies to be clear about the current priorities, processes, and actions that will be carried out virtually. The leaders of each area should monitor the actions of their teams.
Those in charge of these types of meetings must organize an agenda to ensure that all participants are truly involved, regardless of where they are located. And also promote employee engagement activities while working remotely.
Virtual meetings are key in this type of modality since they allow greater monitoring of projects with collaborators and also greater agility in decision-making. Leaders in this type of meeting should organize an agenda to ensure that all participants are truly involved, regardless of where they are located.
With the criteria mentioned above, we can ensure effective work at home. In addition to these approaches, there is an essential part that must be taken into consideration is Cybersecurity recommendations. Among these, we can point out:
If you start telecommuting it is important that you look at these tips.
Although you work at home, you have to meet certain objectives and carry out the work as if you were in the office. Being productive while working from home is more difficult if you don’t organize yourself.
There are people who have been teleworking for years who have no problem, but if you have never done it, these tips are still useful for you.
As we said before, not everyone likes to work at home. Not interacting with anyone during the entire workday is not easy or fun.
1. Avoid working in pajamas
Get up, a quick coffee, and turn on the computer.
From bed to computer in 5 minutes. It is the so-called pajama syndrome. All-day working with pajamas on like it’s a Sunday because you’re not going to go outside.
It is advisable, even if you go to work from home, to dress up a little. A shower and street clothes will help you and those who live with you realize that you are working.
Many teleworkers to clearly mark the beginning of their workday go out to the streets to buy bread or have breakfast at the bar. Back home, his workday begins.
2. Look for a suitable workplace
It will depend on the space you have obviously. But whenever you can, set up a kind of office.
The bedroom is not the best idea to work because if you count the night plus the working day, you have spent more than 15 hours in the same room.
That nothing happens but it can be a little overwhelming to be so many hours in one place. If there is no other option, try to find a separation so that they appear in two spaces.
And when you finish your workday, close the door. The office is closed, there you no longer enter.
3. Make a schedule
This is perhaps the most important thing because if they are not going to be 24-hour days. The office is always at home and at ten at night I can start working. A schedule is essential to disconnect and not burn out.
One of the great dangers of telecommuting is that you never finish work. If you work on your own, it is good that customers do not know that you work at home because they can bother you at any time. To cope with such a situation, there are some Free time tracking software is available that can assist you to track your time and help you to analyze your daily productivity.
4. Take Breaks as per your office timings
Stop for lunch, to stretch your legs. But don’t stop to put the washing machine or the chickpeas to soak. That outside of work hours.
Even if you work at home, there are some obligations and goals to meet. If you lose time from work with domestic matters, your work will go on indefinitely throughout the day.
5. Avoid eating or smoking while working on the computer
It is neither smoked, nor eaten for breakfast, nor is it a snack. Take a break. The kitchen is too close to your office and there is everything. It is tempting to take the fries and eat what you eat in front of the computer.
If you smoke the same. If you do it while you work, you will splice one after the other and your lungs will be blacker than coal. Make a stop and go out to the balcony or the street to smoke.
Having fruit or nuts can be a way to have healthier habits.
6. Move for a stroll
Remote work is usually always in front of the computer. It is very sedentary. And besides, we don’t even go to work.
You have to activate the blood supply. Make small steps to move around and leave a place for physical exercise every day, be it a walk, running, paddle tennis, or gym.
7. Avoid working after work hours and in weekends
Many remote workers use two users on the computer to separate the work from the personal. And if you can turn off the computer. If you can’t fall into … I’m going to do this when I finish in a little while so you don’t stop working all day.
The possibility of hiring a virtual phone number is very interesting in these cases. This will give you your phone number for work and staff. You can configure the virtual number to skip the mailbox according to certain times.
8. Get out and interact
Working at home is working alone. Few relationships. Try to meet someone every week for a meal or a drink. And at the end of the working day, he talks to someone on the phone so that he doesn’t have the feeling of being cloistered.
9. Make it clear to everyone the working hours you have set for yourself
Make it clear to friends and, above all, to your family. They must respect your work schedule. Food is prepared when work hours are over. Clothes are hung outside of working hours.
During your working hours, you are working. Do not be bothered to comment on things about the house, the children, or the coronavirus. When you finish you talk about everything.
They should assume that you are not available during your work hours.
10. Make to-do list on your computer
Being at home, you may find it more difficult to be productive because of all the distractions we have listed. The good thing about working at home is that the garden is flexible and you mark it.
But if you don’t do it right, you will be glued to the computer all day. Apart from using all the computer tools that exist, a notebook and a pen are most effective.
Write down the tasks of the day or the week and see crossing them as you go about them. It will help you set yourself and meet goals.
11. Keep your workplace clean and well organized
Even if there are no customers coming, it’s healthy to keep your workspace clean and tidy. If not when a visit comes you will have to fix it in a hurry. If you use a commonplace in the house, set up and take down the office or keep it decent every day.

These recommendations are also valid for students and opponents, many of whom, although working at home is comfortable, go to the library.
If you do not make a few regals it is easy to fall into the syndrome of loneliness of the teleworker and that you end up hating your own house.
As we have said, it is not easy. Coworking is increasingly full of workers who want to separate their work life from their personal life, who stay at home all day is a world.
There is also the opposite case. People who are comfortable in pajamas all day and almost work with the laptop in bed.
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