How Online Food Delivery Apps Like Uber Eats And Grubhub Make Money

how food delivery apps make money

Food is our love. There are many food lovers but they are not able to cook tasty food. Food delivery apps are too beneficial for those people. We basically look for the best delivery app that can provide us with food quickly without any problem. Actually, these apps provide convenience. Here the word convenience stands […]

iOS 14- App Tracking Transparency Feature to Roll Out Soon


Apple is known for its privacy. Proving this yet again, Apple is to release its new feature, App tracking transparency (ATT) anytime soon. The App tracking transparency feature was first unmasked at Apple’s worldwide developer’s conference (WWDC) in June 2020. This feature was to release along with iOS 14. The Apple iOS14 was released on […]

4 Tips To Help Increase Profits From Taxi Booking App

taxi booking application

In case you are living in a big city, then you may have opted for the taxi booking services before. The overall private transportation industry is transformed by the businesses like Uber. If you are also looking forward to building a taxi booking app for your business, then the below-given tips will surely help to […]

7 Key Factors While Developing A Successful Uber App

uber clone application

The popularity of the Uber app has piqued the interest of many business owners, prompting them to pursue the creation of an app similar to Uber. And why wouldn’t any smartphone app owner want to emulate Uber’s success? CNBC ranked the Uber cab app as the second most innovative company across Globe in 2018, behind […]