Who is not on social media these days? Out of the 4.2 billion users of the internet, 89% are on social networking apps and chat apps. We use the internet for different reasons, but 89% of us use it for the same one. That means if you are a social media user, you are part of this global community that’s 3.8 billion strong.
Softvire gives some amazing facts of modern technology and social media in our daily lives and notes: “The most remarkable change is in how we communicate with each other, and one of technology’s greatest boon, social media, has undoubtedly overtaken traditional methods of communication. It provides a plethora of platforms where people can connect with great convenience, making the world within reach at the tip of one’s finger. It revolutionised our world by opening wide avenues even for ordinary people to get information quickly, and also share there personal content on a global scale.”
This is the reason why recently, social media ads have taken the world by storm. Advertisers and marketers were keen to ride this trend and invest by placing ads on multiple platforms just so they reach their target audience more efficiently. In a recent report released by We Are Social, they also noted the potential number of people that marketer can reach using Facebook ads alone, and the numbers are impressive.
They will be able to tap 1.95 billion users, 32% of those aged 13 years old. Although this demographic does not have buying power as much as the adults, they hold much influence on their parents and guardians that take care of them. Businesses have flocked to Facebook ads in this regard, and a lot of them are startups and new brands trying to make a name for themselves and grow their brand and business at affordable costs.
Here are some tips you can follow to grow the Facebook page of your business:
1. You need to create a Business Page, NOT a personal page
You will not look credible without a business page. A personal Facebook page should not be used as your business page because it is not professional. Instead of asking users to befriend you, they need to be liking your page instead. Provide complete information as much as you can, with professional-looking profile picture, banner, and products.
2. Blog Often and Produce Fresh Content Consistently
Keep your content fresh. “Post as frequently as you can and, at a minimum, once per day,” according to Katie Campbell, social media manager at Fundera. When you post fresh content often, your viewers feel more connected to you, you appear more trustworthy because you are present consistently. Don’t post mediocre quality content as this affects your brand immensely. Always strive to produce high-quality content that connects well with your target audience, communicates relevantly what your brand wants to say, and hopefully converts followers to loyal customers.
If you need guidance as to what your target market wants to see, try utilising Facebook’s poll features and even its Facebook Insights, a free feature for every business page showing vital information to help business owners engage with their audience more effectively.
3. Utilise Facebook’s Promote Your Page Feature
Your goal is to be found on Facebook. You can amplify this by promoting your page by sending invites to current customers or followers, linking your Facebook page to build a following. Link your page even in your email signature and all business communication you put out. You can also offer exclusive deals and promos for followers and subscribers.
4. Engage Your Followers
Just like Google’s new algorithm, Facebook’s new algorithm also favours content that generates engagement. Make sure you post content that you know your target market will be interested in. You actually determine this by asking the questions they are asking. What are their needs at the moment? Venture to answer that and for sure, your posts will be engaging.
Do not ignore engaging with customers in the comments area. Answer their questions and concerns, whether it is negative or positive. NEVER argue with your customers. Remember that your customer is the lifeblood of your business. It also turns off other customers when they see you arguing a customer or badmouthing a competitor. Always practice proper social media etiquette when you are posting content or communicating on your page.
5. Leverage Friends of Your Existing Followers
When followers are linking your page, tagging your business and talking about you online, it helps your business get more leverage on Facebook by “word-of-mouth” mentality.
Whenever followers and customers interact with your page, it gets posted on their newsfeeds. This is a great way to engage a similar audience that can engage with your business as well.
Hold promotions that give incentives to your followers if they share your content and the like. However, great content is still the best way to promote your business. If you produce content that is of value to your customers and followers, they will share your content, and their friends will be interested in your content, and promotions can snowball right there.
6. Use Facebook Ads
Facebook has over 7 million active advertisers, according to Sheryl Sanders, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. Active users are actually higher in number, totalling at 2.4 billion. Facebook has 342 users per advertisers. More people are placing ads, so the competition is getting rougher and more expensive. The average Facebook ad converts at roughly 9.21% across all industries, at average $64, according to Instant Page. This does not automatically mean a positive ROI for the seller.
How to Boost Your Facebook Page
1. Content Marketing
Content marketing is not to hard sell on the consumers on the first contact. You might have to place the ads more than once, but actually works better if you hook a potential convertee with your story—leading them to content in your page, a cause, and article, and then showing them what your brand or company has to offer. Content marketing effectively drives conversions more than hard-selling because it seeks to build a relationship with the visitor to meet his need.
2. Use Retargeting Ads for High-Quality Prospects
To generate the highest ROI from your Facebook campaigns, use strategies that will target both logic and emotion through your landing page, upsells, cross-sells, and downsells to increase LTV (lifetime) sales. Upsell is encouraging customers to purchase a comparable higher-end product than the one being promoted, while cross-selling encourages customers to buy related or complementary items. Downsell, on the other hand, is where a potential customer has declined your product or service offer, and you offer them an alternative product at a lower price before they hit the cancel button.
3. Use Video Ads to Expose Your Brand to People
They may not convert immediately, but it is beneficial and cheaper to expose your brand right away. Video ads get more engagements for your brand than text ads. FlexClip can create short business videos for social media like facebook: https://www.
4. Use Look-a-Like Audience
When you have people converting, use the “look-alike” audience to be able to tap a similar market that will convert into customers.
5. Rotate Your Creatives More Often to Avoid Design Fatigue
Rotate creatives at least once a week, or daily if you can. It is more effective to avoid fatigue with your users seeing the same thing or theme over and over again.
6. Keep Ads Fresh
Is your landing page updated continuously? Are your copies, testimonials and reviews updated? All these help you increase conversions.
7. Monitor Your Ads Frequency
Check if your ads are working? Are your ads connecting and converting? Your ads score decreases, and your ad expenses increase when your visitors just see your advertisement but never click nor convert. So monitor your ads’ performance regularly and be quick to adjust something that’s not working so you can get the best ROI from that ad campaign.
Bottom Line
Facebook has been around for several years, but unlike its predecessors, it shows no signs of stopping or slowing down. It has dominated the social media space by leaps and bounds, and it is just best judgement for any business, whether it’s a startup or an established brand, to connect with their target market through this platform. Unlike website management, social media management is not as labour-intensive because there are no back-end operations to think about, and fewer front-end operations than an actual website.
A Facebook page can be an excellent way for startups to get their brand out there without the same costs as opening a website and running full-on PPC campaigns and the like. It’s great for established brands to stay in sync with the pulse of the younger market that is found in these social media platforms. Make full use of this marketing wonder today!
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John Ocampos is an Opera Singer by profession and a member of the Philippine Tenors. Ever since, Digital Marketing has always been his forte. He is the Founder of SEO-Guru, and the Managing Director of Tech Hacker. John is also the Strategic SEO and Influencer Marketing Manager
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