The Power of SMS Mobile Marketing

sms marketing

SMS mobile marketing refers to marketing activities done by using business text messaging. This is a great way to reach out to customers and has proved to be one of the most effective ways of marketing promotion. Mobile phones are available with virtually everyone. Not all of them may use internet on their mobile phones […]

5 Tips on How You Can Extend the Life of Your Gadgets

prolong the life of your gadget

Technology development and releases move fast. When you buy a gadget, a new one will most likely come along shortly and make you feel left behind. Planned obsolescence is a business strategy companies do when they sell and build devices with a lifespan. With it, you’re urged to buy new gadget models. By knowing how […]

7 Best Writing Apps For Mobile Phones


The digital world has swept away the mode of writing content completely. People have started using different applications on their PCs and mobile phones that provide them a better interface to curate the content of their own choice. Writing apps allows mobile phone users to explore different font colors, sizes, and various other inbuilt features […]