safety tips human resources department

10 Crucial Safety Tips For the HR Department

Safety is essential in all types of industries so taking proactive action is essential. As a consequence, if HR department is aware of this importance, they end up becoming a very strong link within this chain, contributing to the whole ecosystem functioning in an armored and efficient way.  In this article, we will discuss the crucial safety tips for the HR department so keep reading:

1. Secure data storage and document exchange

Like the other sectors, the HR department needs to invest in control forms. Organizations should develop and implement policies regarding the use of their document exchange services and alert their employees about the dangers of using such services.

2. A well-trained team is less susceptible to risks

Cybersecurity is one of the most important aspects of modern business management, with duties and responsibilities that extend to all levels. The “central nervous system” of any organization depends not only on safe technology but also on the qualities and skills of the people in charge of managing and operating them. These challenges cannot be ignored by Human Resources professionals, as they play a critical role in ensuring that the company is prepared to manage the operational and financial risks associated with cyber attacks.


3. Compliance with safety standards

HR professionals have a responsibility to ensure that employees comply with security policies. In addition to raising awareness among employees about internal procedures, the HR team must work with managers to quickly detect and resolve any violation of the rules.

4. Adoption of code of conduct

Your company may lose money if its employees, even involuntarily, disclose information owned by the company for the competition. In addition, you can face legal actions if they fail to protect, for example, third-party financial documents, including those of your clients.

To avoid such problems it is necessary to implement a code of conduct. This document must be disclosed and include clear instructions to protect sensitive information. It is advisable to provide each worker with a copy of these policies and demand that each new hire sign the agreement committing to respect them.

5. Strengthening security

When providing mobility services to employees through cell phones and corporate tablets, for example, some factors must be taken into account: their security must be robust, providing strong authentication and having mechanisms of access control and synchronization with the user directories of the organization, in addition to including cryptography for all the data in transit stored in its memory.

safety tips human resources department

6. Information security must be aligned with the strategy of the company and HR

The digital revolution is mainly marked by the resources available in mobile businesses, interconnectivity and remote labor. The word “security” should be the starting point for any change in the digital mindset that companies adopt, especially when proprietary business data begins to mix.

We are not only talking about malicious hackers or attacks via ransomware. The employees of a company are prone to make mistakes. In addition, with the incorporation of BYOD policies (“bring your own device”, or “bring your own device”), the chances of failure increase.

7. User experience is a determining factor for the adoption of digital channels and to seek greater security in HR processes

The approach of technology and HR is a movement that tends to consolidate, bringing new challenges with each launch. Digital, voice and eye prints, combined with risk-based transaction tracking, will be the predominant identity confirmation methods for authentication and fraud management. For the introduction of these novelties in the companies, the user experience is fundamental, since it allows us to conquer the users and promote their adhesion.

8. HR and IT must be allies

Most companies depend on the software and different types of remote communication devices. HR professionals should work closely with the information technology team to ensure that all files are encrypted and that the appropriate security mechanisms are implemented.


9. The application of security measures is responsibility of HR

Even with codes of conduct, cryptographic devices and biometrics, it is possible to find ways to avoid the systems and violate the company’s rules. If this situation occurs, investigate all security violations and take appropriate disciplinary action. If the violations were ignored, other employees could also begin to ignore the rules. In addition, if you stop applying your policies consistently, it makes the company vulnerable to discrimination processes.

10. Be an intelligent IT user

You do not need to know everything about cybersecurity, but it is important that you be an “intelligent user” of IT. This means doing your part to protect data and systems.

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