Coconut Bowl: An Eco-Friendly Way of Recycling Coconut Shells

coconut bowls from coconut shells

How to make the best and eco-friendly use of coconut shells? An innovative way to recycle empty coconut shells is to transform it into Coconut Bowl, an eco-friendly upcycled product which is elegant and versatile. Upcycling of coconut shells into coconut bowls is superior to recycling as upcycling reuses waste, without destroying it, to form […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Coconut Bowls Right Now

coconut bowl

While scrolling through your feed, you’ve probably come across a photo or two of a vibrant smoothie served in a coconut bowl. You might have noticed how appetizing smoothies are when they’re placed in coconut bowls. Perhaps it’s because they add a tropical touch to meals, or maybe it’s because all-natural fruit smoothies go perfectly […]

How Tech Companies Can Reduce E-waste Responsibly

how tech companies can educe e-waste

E-waste has turned out to be one of the biggest concerns of modern society. Although it’s a fact that e-waste comprises only 2% of the world’s waste, it consists of about 70% of the world’s overall toxic waste. Regardless of the debate on whether e-waste is a significant concern or not, it’s adversely affecting the […]

Alarming Facts about Plastic Water Bottles

plastic water bottles

How many times have you purchased a bottle of water? It’s probably too many times to count at this point, right? You are obviously not alone. Many of us have grown to be very dependent on the plastic bottled water and the convenience it provides. They are easy-to-use containers that provide the refreshment we need. […]

How to Source Zero Waste Products for Your Retail Store?

zero waste lifestyle

Sourcing zero waste products wholesale for a brick and mortar retail store is difficult. There are hundreds of different brands and thousands of different products. As a shop owner, the question is, which products and brands are not only the most ethical, but also which ones will help your business become profitable? As a successful […]

DIY Planter: Upcycling Your Old File Cabinets Into Garden Planters

How to upcycle old file cabinet

Upcycling is a good way to lessen the amount of clutter you have in your basement or garage or wherever it is that you store old stuff that you don’t have use for anymore. It’s what many people do nowadays when they’re doing a remodeling project at home on a budget: Look for something that […]

How To Lead A Zero Waste Lifestyle With Children

How To Lead A Zero Waste Lifestyle With Children

In a world driven by mass consumerism, it’s difficult for children to be environmentally conscious. However, it’s important that children develop a sense of consciousness to maintain or improve the condition of our planet. Parents, guardians and educators are one of the main role models for children. It’s important schools deliver Environmental Education to learners […]