benefits of online trauma therapy

How Online Trauma Therapy Can Help You Feel Better

Individuals who have undergone suffering and hardship repeatedly experience lifelong trauma from the experience. Traumatic incidents profoundly change the victim’s life and their psychological viewpoint. This is similar to natural calamities, for example, floods, and earthquakes, as it is to unnatural disasters of war and terrorism. Artificial trauma is challenging to manage because, commonly, the offenders still reside near the victim- thus offering frequent reminders of the past and risk of further instances. Even if the direct source of trauma is eliminated, time does not automatically heal wounds. The victim might continue to suffer. With conflict remaining an unfortunately common reality for the majority of victims, therapies have been advanced to assist victims of trauma in interpreting and healing from their experiences.

What is trauma?

People can experience trauma in different ways and for a variety of reasons. Trauma victims might have witnessed their communities or homes demolished or suffer physical abuse such as torture, rape, or other forms of violence. Trauma is also prompted by serious harm or threat to loved ones. In most cases, victims cannot cope with these extreme occurrences, subsequently limiting their capacity to carry on with life and be effective society members.

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Trauma can be defined as the response to an intensely distressing or stressful incident that overpowers one’s capability to cope, results in emotions and feelings of powerlessness, and weakens their sense of self and capability to feel a full range of experiences and emotions. Trauma does not discriminate and is prevalent in all parts of the globe.

Why trauma needs therapy?

Trauma survivors are everywhere amongst us, at times in our families. Whether the trauma entailed experiencing or witnessing a violent event, the outcome is the same; attempting to mend a life shattered by trauma. One thing that is assured is that unmanaged trauma reduces the quality of life for the survivor of trauma and those close to them and might also trigger suicidal thoughts and actions.

Suggesting or anticipating that a trauma victim will overcome the event is not effective or helpful. Granted, time passage might conceal several recurrent memories; only professional trauma recovery can help a survivor of trauma heal from the impacts of trauma. A trauma recovery program also helps people with trauma to heal. Thus seeking trauma therapy is highly advised.

What is Online trauma therapy?

There are different approaches to trauma therapy. There is no particular procedure of trauma therapy that is effective for all trauma victims and survivors. Therapists help their clients get the best approach or combination of strategies that work best for a client. Trauma therapy can be defined as a type of mental health treatment that helps trauma victims deal with the emotional, physical, and psychological effects of trauma. Online therapy takes place via the Internet.

How online trauma therapy works?

Online trauma therapy connects a trauma victim with a therapist virtually. The counselor works with the patient to identify the most suitable treatment modality. The trauma victim participates in ordered online visits while getting services such as online psychiatry, talk therapy, and medication management.

The online trauma therapy process

The process of online trauma therapy follows a general pattern while ultimately branching into an exceptional treatment plan designed specifically for the client.

The first step entails initial consultation; the trauma victims meet the therapist to discuss their reason for seeking therapy. Victims are encouraged to discuss disturbing signs and symptoms and state the occurrences that might elicit symptoms. In this stage, the victim decides if he/she is comfortable working with the therapist when talking about highly sensitive matters. A victim is encouraged to choose a different counselor if the first visit is not fruitful.

The second process entails treatment planning. This starts immediately after the therapist has completed the psychological and history evaluation. The therapists discuss their suggestions and ask the client their preferred treatment approach. The victim can share what symptoms they would like to prioritize and what outcomes they desire to see from the therapy. The last stage is trauma therapy sessions. The sessions have a standard flow that allows for modification depending on the victim’s needs. The initial part of all sessions is devoted to discussing any recent events or changes. The therapy sessions end with some “homework” to complete before the next session.

Techniques used in telehealth trauma therapy

Currently, technological options are quite many in telehealth trauma therapy comprising face-to-face connections such as Zoom. The practices and technology around telehealth trauma therapy will likely continue improving the care offered to victims.

Advantages of online therapy trauma

Online therapists support their clients anywhere there is internet connectivity. Online therapy offers clients numerous benefits, including the ability to access a wide range of highly experienced health professionals, access therapy from any part of the globe, and get more control over the treatment process and is also specifically essential for clients who struggle to feel safe in public areas. Other benefits include:

benefits of online trauma therapy

1. Access therapy from anywhere

Online trauma therapy facilitates flexibility in location. A patient can connect with a highly experienced therapist from anywhere in the world, and it is also helpful to patients with busy schedules.

2. Clients get more control of the treatment

This form of therapy allows patients to control the therapy process more. Rather than following an office’s flow and confines, patients participate in services on their terms, beginning with the location.

3. Get help immediately

Once victims resolve to begin treatment, online trauma therapy provides the opportunity to begin therapy immediately.

Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of online trauma therapy. For example, the National Center for Health Research revealed that online trauma therapy is an effective remedy for trauma, depression, and anxiety. Another study published by the American Psychological Association strongly recommended online trauma therapy for trauma victims. It argues that online trauma therapy addresses memories of the traumatic occurrence, associated thoughts, and feelings and helps reduce trauma symptoms.

Bottom Line

Many survivors and victims of trauma wait for years before seeking treatment. Left unmanaged, trauma signs and symptoms do not improve but often worsen. One can start online trauma therapy and embark on their path to healing long-term emotional wounds.

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