keep plants safe from pests and diseases

How to Keep Trees and Shrubs Safe From Diseases and Pests

We all want nature and its richness around us and some of us take an extra step and plant trees and shrubs in and around our home. Planting trees and shrubs alone will not be enough, if trees and shrubs will not be taken care of then they might get disease-prone and the site is very important to prevent these things for a healthy landscape. As it is said, “Prevention is better than Cure”. Preventing pest and disease infestation is better than panicking about the solutions to fix these things later on. Prevention and proper maintenance of your trees and shrubs will also save a lot of your money and you will also have an attractive and impressive landscape environment around you.

The steps involved can be divided into three major steps that include care of the plants, proper monitoring of them and last but not least, the treatments being involved. In the majority of prevention cases, a particular method is followed known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

IPM is an ecological way to handle insect and pest issues and also provide effective results without using any kind of chemicals. Even the steps that are involved in the IPM procedure are safe for you, pets and also for your surroundings. The Tree Doctor will provide you with the Top Pest Control Services in Carlsbad.

How to Keep Trees and Shrubs Safe From Diseases and Pests

Diseases That Can Happen to Your Trees and Shrubs

We have mentioned some of the commonest diseases that your trees and shrubs can catch:

1. Leaf Spot Disease

This disease leads to creating spots on the leaves of shrubs and trees that are brownish, tan or black and also creates dark spotting on the leaves of trees and shrubs.

2. Apple Scab

This disease happens in apple and crabapple trees and sheds the leaves prematurely during early summer or late spring. Brown and black spots will be there on the leaves of trees with Apple Scab.

3. Anthracnose

This causes the leaves of trees to develop dry, brown and blotchy spots before they are being dropped. This disease attacks trees and shrubs when the early season is there.

4. Black Knot

This disease results in the soft, olive-green coloured matter around the branches. This eventually changes to black hard knots when fall arrives. These knots affect branches and even fruits. If this disease is left untreated, it will kill the tree slowly.

5. Cytospora Canker

This causes discolouration on some areas of the trunk of a tree and even the branches. This is very common in trees that are 15 years or older. This can lead the needles of the trees to become brown and then kill the lower branches as well.

How Integrated Pest Management Works?

IMP will involve methods that will help the trees and shrubs to fight the pests and diseases they might catch. These methods will include continuous monitoring for proper care of the plants. The goal of integrated pest management is to help in developing early and long term prevention from diseases and pests. The process will include the following objectives:

1. Daily Monitoring

Monitoring plants daily will allow you to detect early signs of pest infestation and attack when their population is still low thus they will be easier to eliminate. In the early stages, they will be very easily removed thus not causing much damage to your beloved tree.

2. Proper Care of the Plants

Monitoring is good but you will also have to keep the trees and plant clean, in addition, you will also have to keep your plants well-tended. If you are someone who plants different crops annually then you should lean on the rotating crop method. Cleaning old leaf and litter is also very important to keep away disease-causing insects. Keep your trees and shrubs hydrated throughout the year, do not forget to water them often during hot days because they will get stressed and dehydrated they are more prone to diseases and damage.

keep plants safe from pests and diseases

3. Keep up with Proper Planting Techniques

Some of the planting techniques are:

  1. Planting the right kind of varieties in the right space is very important as every plant’s needs are different. They need a different type of soil, moisture, temperature, space, sunlight and other requirements.
  2. Considering plant diversity is very beneficial as some insects only infect one kind of plant and if all of your plants are at the same time then your fairytale garden will be long gone. Having diverse plants in the yard will also uplift the overall look.
  3. Planting trees that can tolerate pest is the best you can do if you are too busy to take care of them daily.

4. Treating Differently

There is no need to apply chemical treatments or insecticides on your plants, try to find out if any biological controls are available for the same. Garden friendly insects can help you here, some of them are ladybugs, praying mantis, parasitic wasps, etc. These will eat a large number of pests and then, no need for harmful pesticides.

If this does not work then contact a tree disease expert or pest control expert. You can directly contact The Dree Doctor for an eco-friendly solution that will not harm your plants.

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